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Netherlands (Holland) Foaming

Ingredients : Glucose Syrup, Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Fat, Skimmed Milk Powder, Whey Powder, Stabiliser E340 ii.

1 Category

Chemical Analysis:
Ash : Max 4.5%
Density : 0.15 – 0.18g/ml
Fat : Min 18.00%
Moisture : Max 3.5%
Proteins : Min 8%

Physical Analysis:
Appearance : Powder, free from lumps
Colourings : White to pale yellow
Taste : Pure,typical free from Off-taste

Microbiological Analysis:
Coliform : Absent in 0.10g
Escherichia Coli : Absent in 1.00g
Salmonella : Absebt 50/g
Staph.Aureus : Absent in 0.10g
Total Plate Count : Max 10,000cfu/g
Yeast&Moulds : Max 50/g


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