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Non Dairy Creamer – C32 (FRIMA BRAND, KOREA)

Product Description: Derived from vegetable fat and compatible carbohydrates. May contain other food as well.

Ingredients: Corn Syrup Solid, Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil, Sodium Caseinate, Potassium Phosphate Dibasic, Potassium Tripoly Phosphate, Approved Emulsifiers, Free Flowing Agent.

1 Category

Chemical Analysis :
Fat : 30-34%
Protein : 1.8-2.8%
Density : 45 – 51g /100ml
Moisture : < 4.5%
Flowability : < 50 ml
PH (10% Solution) : 7.95 – 8.45

Physical Analysis:
Colour : Light yellow

Heavy Metal:
Arsenic(As) : <= 1mg/kg
Lead (Pb) : <= 2mg/kg
Mercury (Hg) : <= 0.05mg/kg
Cadmium (Cd) : <= 1mg/kg
Antimony (Sb) : <= 1mg/kg
Tin (Sn) : <= 50mg/kg

Microbiological Analysis:
Standard Plate Count : < 1000 cfu/g
Yeast / Mould : Negative/g
Colifor : Negative/100g
E. Coli : Negative/g
Salmonell : Negative/250g
Foreign materials : None


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