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African Instant Spray Dried Coffee

Chemical Analysis :
Ash : Max12%
Caffeine : Max2.3%
Clarity : Fair to good
Density : 210-260g/I
Flowability : 38-42ml
Moisture : Max3.5%
PH(at20*0c) : 4.7-4.9
Solubility(in hot water) : within 30sec=96-98’C
Solubility(in cold water) : within 3minute=18-20’C
Partiele Size : ASTM35:<20% ASTM50 : >60%
ASTIM80 : >60%
ASTM100 : <20%
fines : <20%

Physical Analysis :
Aroma: Confirms Colour : Brown
External Appearance : Powder
Microbiological Analysis
Mould&Yeast : Max100cfu/gm
Ochratoxin A : Max 10pb
Salmonella : absent
Total coliforms : absent
Total plate count : Max 100cfu/gm

Ingredient : Coffee bean

1 Category

The dried soluble solid obtained from careful water-extraction of freshly roasted, pure coffee beans. It retained the form of free flowing powder or granule with the color, taste and flavor characteristics of coffee.


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